Skill Center and Dedicated Player Program
The Skill Centre designation represents the highest level of recognition for a grassroots program by Canada Soccer. This designation requires delivery against a demanding set of standards that will not be possible for all organizations. As outlined below we believe that every young player deserves the opportunity to participate in an environment that aligns to the best principles of player development.
In supporting a more inclusive and accessible, high-quality, playing environment, Canada Soccer has also developed standards for the Dedicated Player Program designation.
A Dedicated Player Program has the same goals and aligns to the same principles as a Skill Centre but requires a less demanding set of standards. The Dedicated Player Program targets organizations that believe in the best principles of player development and support the approach being promoted by Canada Soccer and Soccer Nova Scotia but may not have the capacity to deliver against the Skill Centre standards. A Dedicated Player Program operates in the same way as a Skill Centre. A robust network of Dedicated Player Programs across Canada will ensure more young players have a positive developmental environment, enhancing the opportunity to fulfill their potential and support long-term participation.
Currently Ignite Soccer offers a Skill Center Program and a Dedicated Player Program under the same principles as a Skill Centre.
Skill Center Standards
Age Groups
- U8/U9, U10/U11, U12
- Players loosely grouped by age
- Players can move between groups as required
Playing Format
- U8/U9: 4v4 (no goalkeeper) or 5v5 (with goalkeeper)
- U10/U11: 7v7
- U12: 9v9
Coaching requirements
- Lead Coach (two per club, one each for boys / girls)
- Canada Soccer Children’s Licence (2021– in training; 2022 – certified)
- Assistant Coach (as per player to coach ratio)
- Learn to Train (2021- trained)
Player to Coach Ratio
- U8/U9 (8:1)
- U10/U11 (10:1)
- U12 (12:1)
Number of Players in a Skill Centre Program
- Guided by the player to coach ratio and field availability
Player registration
- Invitation: Club invites player to participate
- Open: First-come, first-served registration
- *Note*
- Tryouts are not permitted
- No more than 50% of registration is permitted to be by invitation
Game Day Roster Guidelines
- Open rosters: Any player participating in a Skill Centre Program at a club is permitted to participate on any of its Skill Centre teams
- Clubs are strongly discouraged from selecting ‘set’ teams; i.e. the same players grouped together permanently
Game Day Roster Size (maximum roster size)
- U8/U9: 8 players per team
- U10/U11: 10 players per team
- U12: 14 players per team
Competition Days Per week
- One (1) competition day per week
Competition Format
- Competition may be festival format (two games in one day) or single-game format
Minimum / maximum rest between festival games
- Minimum = duration of one game
- Maximum = 120 minutes
Training Session Frequency
- 2-3 training sessions per week (not including competition day)
Training Session Duration
- Training block duration:
- 10-22 weeks
- Annual duration:
- 30-44 weeks
- Minimum time between training blocks:
- 2 weeks
Program Duration
- U8/U9: 45-60 minutes
- U10/U11/U12: 60-75 minutes
Field regulations
- See Canada Soccer Grassroots Standards
Dedicated Player Program Guidelines
Age Groups
- U8/U9, U10/U11, U12
Playing Format
- U8/U9: 4v4 (no goalkeeper) or 5v5 (with goalkeeper)
- U10/U11: 7v7
- U12: 9v9
Coaching Requirements
- Lead Coach
- C License certified
- Assistant Coach (as per player to coach ratio)
- Learn to Train (trained)
Player to Coach Ratio
- U8/U9 (8:1)
- U10/U11 (10:1)
- U12 (12:1)
Number of Players in a Skill Centre Program
- Guided by the player to coach ratio and field availability
Player Registration
- Invitation: Club invites player to participate
- Open: First-come, first-served registration
- *Note*
- Tryouts are not permitted
- No more than 50% of registration is permitted to be by invitation
Game Day Roster Guidelines
- Open rosters: Any player participating in a Dedicated Player Program at a club is permitted to participate on any of its Dedicated Player Program teams
- Clubs are strongly discouraged from selecting ‘set’ teams; i.e. the same players grouped together permanently
Game Day Roster Size (maximum roster size)
- U8/U9: 8 players per team
- U10/U11: 10 players per team
- U12: 14 players per team
Competition Days Per Week
- One (1) competition day per week
Competition Format
- Competition may be festival format (two games in one day) or single-game format
Minimum / maximum rest between festival games
- Minimum = duration of one game
- Maximum = 120 minutes
Training Session Frequency
- 1-3 training sessions per week (not including competition day
Training Session Duration
- U8/U9: 45-60 minutes
- U10/U11/U12: 60-75 minutes
Program Duration
- Training block duration:
- U8/U9: 6-16 weeks
- U10/U11/U12: <22 weeks (recommended 10-22 weeks)
- Annual duration:
- U8/U9: <32 weeks
- U10/U11/U12: <44 weeks (recommended 30-44 weeks)
- Minimum time between training blocks: 2 weeks
Field regulations
- See Canada Soccer Grassroots Standards